Friday, August 20, 2010

How to kill a strong headache when I've tried pills, sleep, coffee and nothing helps?

You might want to take some of these teas for headaches:

- peppermint tea

- chamomile tea

- lavender tea

A comprehensive list of teas for headache can be found below:How to kill a strong headache when I've tried pills, sleep, coffee and nothing helps?
How long have you had it? If it's been days you should see a doctor. Sounds like you might have a migraine. You can try a product called Pentadolex that has a natural ingredient called Butterbur. That really helps me with my migraines. But other answers are correct, headaches can be caused by many different things. Good idea to figure out what caused it so it doesn't happen again.How to kill a strong headache when I've tried pills, sleep, coffee and nothing helps?
headaches can be caused by tight muscles. if the headache is more at the back of your head, this is most likely the cause. One of the most common muscles for this is the trapezius muscle. a massage to help relief some of the tension may get rid of your headache
You should drink a lot of water. Lots of times headaches are caused by dehydration. You need to get hydrated so drink lots of water and avoid beverages that have a lot of caffeine like coffee.
Sometimes headaches can be a sign of your blood pressure being elevated. Try eating a banana and drink plenty of water. You can also try eating a piece of raw garlic, this will bring your pressure down instantly.
I guess the only other option is...

weed!!!! hahaha

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