Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to convince my boyfriend to let me go to prom with another guy?

well my prom is soon and i go out with the hottest guy in school but hes a grade lower than me and we can only take someone in our grade but i don't want to be the only one without a date and 3 guys already asked me how can i persuade my bf to let me go with someone elseHow to convince my boyfriend to let me go to prom with another guy?
break up with him. It is obvious you have no respect for him. He obviously deserves way better than you.How to convince my boyfriend to let me go to prom with another guy?
Don't. That's disrespectful to your boyfriend. The only time it would be acceptable is if you go with a mutual friend of you and your boyfriend. If you don't have one of those that doesn't already have a date, go with girl friends. It's really rude to go to your prom with a guy that's not your boyfriend.
just tell him you are going with a friend....
Oh my gooodness that SUCKS! That you can only take someone in your grade..wow in my school only jr's and seniors go but a fresh or soph can go if asked by an upperclassmen so you can go with anyone! Even people in like college! Anyways...just ask him sweetly and explain that to him just say you are going with the guy as a friend..obviously. haha hope this helps! Good luck girl! :)
I would leave my gf if she asked me this.

Hope this helps.

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