Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to turn computer monitor into mirror?

Hi. How do i turn my computer monitor into a mirror? I tried scanning a mirror but it doesn't work.

Tanner wanted me to ask.How to turn computer monitor into mirror?
Not possible unless you completly destroy itHow to turn computer monitor into mirror?
Yeah...you can't really do that unless you use a webcam...

Oh wait, see this: http://failblog.org/2008/10/05/science-f鈥?/a>
you stole this question from some retard who asked it a few years ago.


nice try

Scanning a mirror... Uh... yeah. Unless you coated your monitor in silver and covered it with glass I don't believe you can.
You need to scan the other side of the mirror.
Lol, I'm with the other people. I saw this on fail blog and looked it up. Faked question.
I'll tell you again.

Use a web cam!


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