Monday, August 16, 2010

Can someone tell me how to tame my pigeon.?

I have a beautiful pigeon that I recently purchased.He is a squabbing pigeon and I would also like to know if he would fly of with a wild flock if I were to allow it to go out of its cage. Can someone also tell me where I can purchase really cheap pigeons of any breed.I am sorry I am so new to pigeons.Can someone tell me how to tame my pigeon.?
You can tame your young bird by feeding it out of your hand. Squabs are usually looking for food constantly. Really cheap pigeons are just that---usually lousy quality. Try to find out if there are any pigeon clubs in your area. You could ask at vets,feed mills or pet stores. Probably they are listed on the web somewhere.Also watch the classified ads under pets.

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