Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How can I have a good nights sleep and be able to get up at a decent time?

Can't get up in the morning because I am so tired and then it starts all over again. I can't always stay asleep either. Will be starting a new work schedule soon. I need some advice and encouragement on how to handle my sleeping issue. I do not want to depend on sleeping pills.How can I have a good nights sleep and be able to get up at a decent time?
I have the same problem, and I hate resorting to sleeping pills. But this may be your only help. At the drug store, you can find this medicine called melatonin. It is completely natural. It is a chemical already in your brain to help you sleep. It really helped me. And like I said, it is totally natural, so you wont get addicted. I go to sleep well and wake up revived.

Hope this helped. :)

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