Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to send 4 or 5 emails together from Yahoo or Gmail?

I want to send 4-5 emails from my Gmail %26amp; Yahoo account to one ID. But how it is possibe. If any one know please help me.How to send 4 or 5 emails together from Yahoo or Gmail?
You can only send (forward) ONE email at a time---no matter what you're using.

You CAN send that ONE email to multiple people at once---but I'm sure that's not what you mean.How to send 4 or 5 emails together from Yahoo or Gmail?
You can combine several e-mails into one larger one, using the copy and paste technique. (Right-click after highlighting for that)

Using tabs (right-click for that), open a NEW mail and copy each of the others into it. Of course, only include the body of the mails, not the headers.

You can have both your Gmail and Yahoo accounts open at the same time if they are both in tabs.

That will be a lot of tab-jumping and copy/pasting! it might be faster to forward each one separately!

You could also copy the messages into a word-processing document, save it, and then copy the whole thing into one new mail.

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