Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to attract guys my age, and not guys that are soo much older then me?

So I am only 14 years old, and I attract guys that are like between 17 to 30. And it pisses me off. I can't never get a guy my age or near my age. And its annoying. I do know that I look older, probably about 17 or 18. Im like tall for my age, and Im well developed. And I hate it. And its not like I dress a lot older and my clothes dont look sexy or revealing and I dont wear tooons of makeup . Today I was at Abercrombie and I got soo mad. I was looking at the clothes, and there was this guy who worked there and he was organizing the clothes and he would not stop staring at me. And then when I was leaving there were these 2 guys working at the cash register and they were talking to eachother, and when they say me they stopped talking at just stared at me.

That type of thing happens all the time. And it makes me soo sad, and I feel so embarresed, and akward and insecure. Im only 14. I just want it to stop, and be like my friends. I always see them with there boyfriends, that are there age and it seems soo fun. And I cant have that, because guys my age just arent intrested in me. I hate it sooo much. I dont want to go out with a guy soo much older then me. I just wish I was like any other normal teenage girl. How can I make guys my age like me, and not attract guys soo much older???How to attract guys my age, and not guys that are soo much older then me?
You can't. You just have to realize that men are attracted to young women. Also realize that a 20 year old man does not know how old you really are. It also shows that women develop mentally younger than men do. In a few years you won't have that problem. For now, 14-15 year old boys are just too immature for you.How to attract guys my age, and not guys that are soo much older then me?
Honestly some girls your age will always attract the attention of older guys do to the early development factor. Not much you can personally do about it though as guys of all ages are rather visual. Some are better at not overly starring than others, but they will look. But I think the best and only thing you can tell these older guys is your real age. Cause although being 14 may not seem like a big deal to you or guys or friends your age. But for most older guys hearing that the object of their lust is of an age that could get them put into jail if they even thought about touching you, that usually stops them. But either way though, I think it would be in your best interest as a young girl to enroll in some self defense classes or get your mom to buy you some Mace or pepper spray as some guys still will try something with you regardless of the consequences. So better to be safe than sorry. And make sure that you are fully capable of protecting your own body before attracting any guys your own age or other wise, as most guys truly will test you and try and take advantage of you if they can. And you don't need that at your age or any time just because you can't help how your body is developing.
Well there's not much you can do, accept it and enjoy it love life no matter what it gives you. I also kinda have that problem but I look younger than my age and guys think im like 12 or whatever but really im 14 ill be 15 soon and idk if i have changed or not but its just annoying how we all look younger or older but i have learned to accept it and know that if the guys at school know my age i wouldn't worry.

Good luck =)

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