Monday, August 16, 2010

How to overcome porn addiction?

I am vaguely 18 and am addicted to porn. Be it straight or gay.

I haven't had sex and now trying to concentrate on my education. How am I to put my addiction to rest?

Do help me.How to overcome porn addiction?
how often are you looking at porn? because its obviously something all guys do. You havent mentioned how much you watch, which could determine whether you're addicted or normal.

EDIT: daily isnt an addiction, and watching gay porn doenst make you gay at all. A lot of guys watch it and are straight, its something different and any sexual material will turn a guy on.How to overcome porn addiction?
The best way to break any addiction is to starve it. Start by throwing all away ALL the stuff you have that has to do with porn. If your thinking you can just cut back and do it in moderation, think again, if you want to break the addiction, then you have to starve the addiction.
try to be more involve in sports wherein physical activities are done, like martial arts, basketball, biking,etc... it will turn your mind away from porn and you won't have enough energy to waste masturbating.
Take on some hobbies go do play a sport hang out with buddies get rid of the porn read a book go to movies rent DVD's.Invite people over:get a social live etc

Develop Facebook addiction.
dude most people have a porn addiction...i used to, it was easy for me, one day i just stopped...and im only 14 lol
gee talk about a bit of a situation! Porn gives virgins unrealistic impressions of what sex is really like... so you really should get over the addiction. Just STOP looking at it, or maybe go to a councillor.

Your cant 'want' to be straight, you are who you are. Maybe you are gay, and your just turned on by the fact there is penises in the hetrosexual porn?
Watching porn is OK but excessive masturbation that's becoming addictive would be bad. Im sensing you have a guilty feeling that you are turned on by gay porn...I think you are unsure about your sexuality here. You know or think that you are straight... Porn never influences you on your sexual preference. IT NEVER DOES. It merely wakes up who you truly are and Being gay, Im not saying you are, Is perfectly normal as being a man or a woman. After years of conversations with decent, educated and wise gay men, being gay is being born with it. Its like being born as a woman or not. and dont associate gayness to trannies or what. Im gay and i look and act straight and its pretty normal dude. :)
LOL tht is so funny
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