Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to prevent my dad from getting the best of me?

I am just really sick and tired of my dad thinking i am stupid. He is always putting me down if i don't get an amazing score on a test. I just took a test for a college placement in high school and i didn't get in by a few points and he immediately just went off saying how dumb i am and how even the stupid kids get in and it really just pissed me off how he thinks these tests are easy. English is not my first language and my writting skills are not the best so what does he expect from me? I have a tough schedule everyday, i participate in the community and i do my best to get into a good college, yet he doesn't even see that. I have the SAT this saturday and he told last night, ';those 6 months of tutoring probably didn't help, you'll score bad anyways'; and walks out of my room leaving me feel like i am totally useless. Ok, so i am not gifted academically but he doesn't have the rights to call me stupid if he himself didn't get into the ';best'; school. I am so sick of his put downs, it's unavoidable and extremely distracting me focus on school and its showing in my grades. I tried to talk to him in a peaceful manner but he isn't a sit-down-and-talk kind of guy, he doesn't even bother listening to what i have to say and he always gets his last words. I know this isn't going to help asking here but what are some ways to feel confident and ignore him out? He is just always there and i cannot escape until i move out? Thanks, guys.How to prevent my dad from getting the best of me?
Just ignore him. You don't answer back, it's over.How to prevent my dad from getting the best of me?
Awww... I have the same problem with you Dj :( my parents are like that too... What i do is instead of thinking it in a negative way and taking it badly, eventhough its hard not to (i know ) LOL, try to make yourself more motivated by it , to prove him wrong. Prove him wrong and show him your grades and he'll keep his mouth shut and he won't bother you as much.

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