Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to stop dad from spying on me on facebook?

My dad starting spying on my facebook the summer of my senior year in high school, when I was 18. He doesn't even have a facebook, he was just aware of all of my chat logs, wall posts, etc. I know this because he told my mom what I was talking to people about, and I overheard him talking about how he is monitoring my facebook. I did a little research, and looked through my friends list to see I had any friends I didn't know, but they all checked out. I no longer speak to my dad (not because of this, but personal stuff I don't want to get into), and he is still using my facebook interactions to try and convince my mom I'm a terrible person (me and my mom are really close so I tell her everything I'm up to anyways, so she tells me he knows about it still). I am becoming extremely paranoid, and I hate living my life like this. I cannot enjoy my life, because I feel like I'm constantly being watched. I deleted my facebook and made a new one, but I feel like he could just start monitoring my new one. All I am asking for is a way I can put my mind at ease, because I can't handle this. Someone please help meHow to stop dad from spying on me on facebook?
you're 18. MOVEHow to stop dad from spying on me on facebook?
well this guy is waaay overstepping parental boundaries. always delete web history, log out of facebook when you're done using it, keep track of all your friends (don't add any randoms)
If he isn't added as a friend then it is easy to stop him seeing your profile. If he has been reading your profile it seems the problem is that your privacy settings aren't strict enough. When you are logged in, in the top right hand corner there is 'Account' click this and in the menu that appears select 'Privacy Settings'. A page will load, and then open the pages 'Profile Information' and 'Contact Information'. There should be lots of options, and change them all to 'only friends'. This way only the people who you approve will see your profile and everything you do there. You can click the 'preview profile' button at the top of each of those pages, and this will show you what your profile will look like to strangers who arent your facebook friend. Whatever you see on preview profile will be what your dad will be able to see.

Also in 'privacy settings' click on 'search' and untick the box that lets you show up in search engines. This will stop your dad googling your name and finding your profile.

Hopefully this should stop your dad from spying on you!

Edit: Silly question, but you don't have another family member added on facebook that might be letting him use their account to view yours?
So are you using a different computer now?

EDIT: OK, thanks for clarifying. One thing might be to start yet another account, in addition to your new one. He'll suspect you'll make a new one. Use a fake name.

EDIT2: Sarah made a good point. Has he had physical access?

EDIT3:And he could have gotten the password from your old computer, if it was saved. If you haven't changed it, do so now.

EDIT4: To be absolutely sure there's no spyware, reinstall the operating system (or have someone do it for you). Or maybe there's an option to restore the factory settings, making it like new.

EDIT5: If nothing here helps, you might want to ask in a security forum at YA or elsewhere.
Make a fake name with a new account, one he wouldn't think of looking up (maybe a nickname or something), make sure all the privacy things are on, and don't add him as a friend.

Also, check the box that doesn't let people look you up if you want to use your real name.

EDIT: Is it possible he somehow got some spyware in your computer so he could track you? I would look into that.
:o that's horrible!!! just block the ppl he has set to monitor you and definitely tell him off!!

i wont even add my parents on facebook

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