Monday, August 16, 2010

How to teach my stubborn cat to walk well on a leash?

I really want to take my cat for a walk, because I heard that cats can learn. my cat is sixteen pounds, big, and stubborn. I've tried a lot to get him to walk beside me. I know he's not a dog, but he's smart and I know he can do it. Can someone please help me?How to teach my stubborn cat to walk well on a leash?
And what are you going to do if a dog starts to chase your cat??? Or you cat gets spooked by a car or a truck? What if it decides to chase a bird or small animal. Cats don't obey commands like sit and stay, you might as well be talking to a brick wall. Sounds like you are the stubborn one, wanting to take it for a walk when the cat would rather not.

R P CATHow to teach my stubborn cat to walk well on a leash?
To the person who doesn't think cats listen. Is wrong, completely wrong. My cat will come and stay as I say. I can walk him outside on a harness in the park. Your cat just needs to want to. Oh and I may mention he's only 2 years old.
Some cats can be trained and others cannot since it is based on personality. I JUST TRIED to walk my cat this morning on a leash and he HATED it. He was soooo scared and traumatized. Other cats are calm. But from my own re-search the best method is this:

1) Buy a small DOG harness that is soft (it's the kind that looks like a jacket and fits around the waist and not so much on the neck so it does not choke the cat and is more secure so the cat does not escape out of it)

2) Let it wear it in the house ONLY for 10 minutes a day (without the leash attached) so it can get used to wearing it without freaking out. PLAY with the cat and give it treats when it wears the harness.

3)Take off the harness and STOP playing with it so it knows that wearing harness=treats and fun time with my mommy

4) After a week of doing this, add the leash. BUY ONLY RETRACTABLE LEASHES (the kind that is like tape measure in that it can let out a lot of string and once the animal gets too far away, you click on this button and the leash stops them from running any further and causes less choking and MORE comfort)

5)Walk them around the house and play with them using a wand toy with a feather so that they forgot about the leash on them. NEVER EVER PULL ON THE CAT TO MAKE IT FOLLOW YOU. Cats hate this. You must guide them or call to them to follow you. But do not yank at them. Again, end the session with treats BEFORE you take off the harness and leash

6) After a week of walking them sucessfully indoors, take them maybe ONLY too the front door and make sure you bring a blanket propped over your shoulder. Wear long-sleeved shirts and jeans in case they freak out and scratch you or bite. Let them down and gently talk to them. DO NOT FORCE THEM TO WALK FURTHER. Just let them sniff around. Give them a treat. If they get scared from a noise and come to you to hide in your lap, put the blanket around them so they feel safe. Let them peak out from the blanket so they can sniff the air and look around without feeling exposed to danger. DO NOT stay out too long. Maybe 5 minutes on the porch or sidewalk and then take them in and re-ward them with something like a can of tuna or cooked chicken which is even better to them than a small cat treat

7) Continue doing this until your cat is comfortable sniffing and walking peacefully around your porch or front door area. ONLY TAKE THE CAT OUT WHEN THERE IS LITTLE NOISE IF POSSIBLE. So a good time would be early in the morning or late in the evening so that the noises and smells are less there. AGAIN, DO NOT FORCE IT TO WALK FURTHER AWAY FROM WHAT IT KNOWS UNLESS IT IS READY.

8)if the cat is still deathly afraid, mad, or just will not walk, then give up and let it be. Some cats are too scared of the unknown. change is HARD for cats. They like familiarity. DO NOT be mad at your cat because of this. Accept it and love them.



1) Being exposed to the out-doors means fleas, parasites, etc. So make sure you get it its shots and get it checked for worms every 6 months.

2) Wipe its paws with a warm wash cloth (no soap) firmly when you come back in.

3) Buy kitten wash wipes from the pet shop to wipe its coat and paws if you have the money so that it can reduce the chances of picking up bacteria or parasites.

NEVER USE HUMAN SHAMPOO OR SOAP! THis will make it sick or die or get dry red flaky skin

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