Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Why wont my boyfriend kiss me & how can I get him to?

my boyfriend always is willing to kiss me except for when i want to the most.

Me and him always perform oral sex on each other and he thinks its hot that i kiss him after he does his business with me but once he ';finishes'; he wont kiss me. Its always really awkward after because I'm in the mood to kiss and he doesn't want to because he finished in my mouth so we lay there in silence. Are all guys not willing to do this or what?

advise on how to get him to make out with me after we've both finished please?

or ideas of what to do instead of just laying there awkwardly?Why wont my boyfriend kiss me %26amp; how can I get him to?
Squeeze his balls next time he wont do it and he will next time.Why wont my boyfriend kiss me %26amp; how can I get him to?
She gives great advice, what could it hurt: http://pretti-bitchy.com
He thinks its gross to kiss you when you've been performing on him.

But he likes to kiss you when he performs on you.

So, refuse to let him kiss you. He'll get the message. Otherwise rinse your mouth out, he shouldn't HAVE to kiss his own j*izz.

Or, don't have him finnish in your mouth, put it elsewhere.
Most guys *really* hate the idea of tasting sperm. :/

Try showing him that your mouth is clean again: rinse, or make a show of swallowing %26amp; clearing your throat. He wants you, he just doesn't want that extra part of *himself*.... :p
Lick his adams apple
Because he came in your mouth. Straight men dont want anyones sperm to ever touch their mouth not even their own.
You should be kissing instead of having os. You should make a guy romance you, not s*x you until you're married.
he wont kiss you because he thinks its gross if he kiss's you after he finished in your mouth

cause appearently my friend told me how its lke kissing you're own dick and thats nasty LOOL

well next time before you guys perform oral sex on each other casually bring up the question ,

be like why dont you wanna kiss after the ******** ? and he'll eventually tell you :)

best of luck :D

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