Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How do i convince my mom to let me get on the pill?

Im 16 sexually active and i want to get on the pill, but don't know how to ask my mom. Any tips on how to bring it up? Also how many b/c methods are there? Thanks for your help. :)How do i convince my mom to let me get on the pill?
You can get it on your own being 16How do i convince my mom to let me get on the pill?
Now your 16 im sure you mum must be expecting you to be sexually active, if not now but very soon, so i think she will be respect your decision to protect yourself against unwanted pregnancies.

You are old enough to get the pill by yourself, but you may want to discuss it with you mum first. If this is the case just approach her and say you have been thinking about going on pill.

No mother likes the thought of there little baby growing up and having sex, but she will think your mature to protect yourself.
well im not the one to tell you not to have sex before you atleast graduate school or wait till you get married. i can give you some advice i got married at 16 ,i went to plan parenthood to get put on the pill ,i cant tell you for me it was difficult to remember to take the dang thing,and if you miss you cant just double up and think your safe, i didnt like the pill plus if your having sex with more than one partner your prone to catch something that soap dont wash off. we used condoms anyways after i had my son i had waht the call nor plant dont go that route its a five year birth control but the side effects are bad i was on my period 25 days out of a month for 3 of those years and the other 2 i gained like 70 pounds. i had it in my arm for 6years and it was only good for 5. but after i had my daughter my 2 kids are 10 years apart i got what they call an IUD i had that put in a monthafter i had my daughter and shes going to be 9 years old in june. it was quick easy i felt like a cramp for a second a little tug and that was it i dont have any problems with cramps my periods are 3 days at the most and they are light.that method of birth control is incerted though your kitty.its smal flexible and is shaped like a T,it blocks the sperm from traveling through your tubes causing you risk of getting pregnant .Now that doesnt mean whoo! becuse you can still catch diseases. in my case ive been with the same partner so im cool if i catch something its cause he gave it to me and its go time!!! but i love him and im sure he wouldnt go there, anyways those are the ones im aware of, but sweety i sure wish you would hold those hormones back till you found the right one, let me tell you something there is something better than having sex with boys , the shower was my best friend masterbating in the shower girl, shoot you dont have to worry about getting pregnant you dont have to worry about cheating and you can do it when ever you want your always clean and in a great mood less pimples if you get them and you always get yours, you will know when your having an orgasim its very addicting ive done it all these years it has taken me this long to find someone that can satisfy me as well as i could masterbating,im serious, your mom will notice the water bill is higher but its better than paying delivery bills from having a child bet that! hope that info helped you out sweetheart and think about what i said and hey enjoy you childhood becouse its a tough world out here.bye now...
I'm sure she will freak out to know that her 16-year-old daughter is sexually active, but just let her know you want to get on it. Remember that b/c pills do not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases or infections.
acne? irregular periods?
Your mom doesn't need to know. Just go to the doctor. They won't tell your mom.
Go meet a doctor!!

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