Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How do I get nerve to get on scary carnival rides?

Tomorrow I am going to the Seminole County Fair, and my friend is dragging me on the scary rides. I am both worried about getting sick, and getting scared. I need to know how to get onto a scary ride without having a heart attack. PLEASE HELP!How do I get nerve to get on scary carnival rides?
Just man up and do it. You will never be able to overcome your fears if you let them control you.How do I get nerve to get on scary carnival rides?
I have been in your position SO many times. My Dad is one of those people that are just like 'Go for it, it will be FUN!' ... So whether I want to go on it or not I have to :/

I never normally get sick, so all I can suggest is that you don't eat anything much RIGHT before you go on a ride, and take deep breaths, put your head back on the seat, cling on to the harness metal things, and close your eyes.

Ok. Now for the worst bit. The waiting. When your friend says 'Lets go on this one!!' and you think 'oh crap' just try and relax. It's horrible waiting to go on a ride, so I guess all I can say is just take deep breaths and think how fun it will be. Half of the butterflies in your stomach will be excitement and adrenaline. So basically, just try and relax. Get into your seat, make sure your harness thing is checked, and when it has been, just remember that they know if it's on or not. The ride is CONTROLLED by switches, it won't come off the tracks, they can stop it whenever they want to, it's SAFE. I mean HELLOOOO, heath and safety would so not allow it if it wasn't. So just put your heed back, shut your eyes and just let it take you.

Have fun ;)
Don't eat too much, and start on the smaller rides first and work your way up. Use the excuse this line looks to long, let's try something else.

I know this will be hard but try to relax on the ride, it makes your stomach feel worse if you tense up.


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