Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to get this really popular guy to make me pragnet?

I want to have babby with him!How to get this really popular guy to make me pragnet?
stick his dick in your vagina(: the end.How to get this really popular guy to make me pragnet?
Bad idea.
Do not reproduce unless you learn to write properly. In fact, don't reproduce at all.
No you don't

It's not good to use a child to manipulate someone into sex...even an unborn one

Go find a boyfriend - go out and have fun with your friends..
If you can't spell ';pregnant';, you shouldn't reproduce.

And I mean, not ever.
i must admit that the fact that you want to have a kid with some dude that is popular just cause he is popular is pretty slutty in my opinion, very womanistic.

You can't even spell pregnant!!! Maybe invest in some grammar lessons before running around trying to get p-r-e-g-n-a-n-t.
just invite him over, seduce him..

Make him go wild and maybe just maybe he might lose his train of thought.. and BAM
that's the dumbest idea i've ever heard.

considering your avatar has blonde hair i'm gonna assume you are blonde too and go with the cliche that you are dumb.

You can't spell, what makes you think you are capable of going through such a thing?

just live life and have fun and avoid pregnancy until you are older and more able to cope with it emotionally and financially. BABIES COST MONEY!

So don't have sex to get pregnant. If you must have sex with this guy be safe and make it just sex.
how can you be so selfish

no baby deserves you as a mother
Dude! you need attention alright!

Is he at least your boyfriend?

If the answer is yes, gotta tell him.

If the answer麓s no. I wanna have Stuart Townsend麓s baby!
You don't. If you can't even spell it (pregnant), you shouldn't be doing it.
You want him to make you a pragnet. Whats a pragnet?
I call troll. Seriously, nothing better to do? Wow, what a thrilling life you must lead that this is how you get your kicks - by posting such s**t on the internet to get some sort of attention.
whoa you are really losing it you shouldn't have a baby with me you are going to have alot of responsibilities as a mother and you can't even spell right you should just have fun and live your life don't hurry it to be old have you seen 16 and pregnant do you want to stop partying and hanging with friends to get fat with stretch marks and have to be feeding baby food and changing their diapeper no way do be a idiot please if you want sex have it with protection or take brith control but don't have a bady just because you want one gosh thats why theres so many baby in adoption its because people like you don't think
If you can't spell pregnant try - MORE STUPID

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